Monday, February 1, 2016

Photos of our Donors Choose 20% Time Grant

A few weeks ago, sent us an e-mail telling us of a funding opportunity from Merck Pharmaceuticals. Merck was funding 100% of any science-related grants in the St. Louis area that were submitted to Donors Choose by January 15. Well, we never turn down free money so we asked the kids if any of them were doing any science projects for 20% Time. Many were. We opened a spreadsheet and kids added the items that they needed for their projects. We submitted those products on our grant and a few weeks later, Merck funded us. Two days after Merck funded our grant, our kids had their tools in their hands. It was an amazing, seamless transaction and the kids are huge beneficiaries of this company's generosity and the awesomeness of the people at Donors Choose. We are incredibly appreciative.

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