Friday, November 7, 2014

It's Bloggerific!

One of the responsibilities of 20% Time for the kids is to keep a blog. The students need to tell the story of their 20% Time project, from the genesis of their ideas to the completion of their projects. Today we worked on blogging about the initial journey. Do the kids have ideas? How did they come up with those ideas? Are they still deciding on an idea? Researching in order to finalize an idea? These are some of the questions that we are asking the kids to write about. 

One thing that we stress to the kids about the blogs is that each entry should help tell a story. Readers want the narrative about the project, from the idea generation to the student TED Talk experience. We stress to kids that not only do readers want the "what" about the project, but also the "why" about the project. Many of the kids are on the right track. Hopefully we will see some great blogs again this year.

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